This is the blog of a girl.
Said girl is the owner of this blog.
Girl feels that anyone who dislike her should press Alt+F4
Girl also feels that she is solely responsible for the words written in this space
[TAGS not included]
Last but not least, Girl wishes that people respect her words and her space
Thank you for reading, says Girl
the blogger
Girl's name is Stephanie
Girl is now 17 going 18
Girl celebrates her birthday on the 7th day of the 11th month each year
Girl loves Christmas and Chinese New Year most
Girl hates horror movies
Girl loves knitting, taking pictures, sleeping, spending time with loved ones and reading romance (not necessary in that order)
[ Fonts (c) DF]
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[ Layout designed by fern]
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Life is wonderful...
Jason Mraz is a singer that most people would have heard of because of the song "I'm yours". However, little publicity is given to many other of his wonderful songs, so I thought that I should let you guys listen to one of my favourite Mraz Songs of all time, "Life is wonderful". Enjoy!
Also, because of my colleagues, I kinda have this song by Beyonce(if I'm not wrong) stuck in my head. It's called "If I were a boy".